The coffee I have been drinking for a few months started bothering me a couple weeks ago. It’s giving me brain fog. If you have allergies you'll know what that’s like. I hadn't research what coffee I could have yet, so I drank a little bit of tea I had gotten at the coop. That gave me brain fog too. Ugh! I have a bushel of beets I pulled the day before on my kitchen table. I had separated the tops from the bottoms, and left them in my large porcelain pans. I didn't wash them, so I didn't have to worry about them molding like the greens that I had to throw away the week before, because I had cleaned them and left them sitting too long. I also picked a bunch of kale that I needed to process some how. Meanwhile the post office was just delivering my new Nesco Professional Dehydrator. I thought perhaps I would try to make kale chips.
It was suggested to try Chock Full of Nuts. I called the company. They said all they use is water after roasting. She said there was nothing in the documentation about anything else used. There website also had a page where I can found a store that carried their brand Store Locator. While walking through the store picking up other items my husband wanted for lunch I started smelling popcorn, and of course more brain fog. I hurried and got out with my new coffee, and I also picked up some Stash tea to try.
Well wouldn’t you know it a few miles down the street I remembered that I was exchanging the vinegar I was just charged for. I had brought back the gallon I had bought the week before that had expired May 2011. They said I could exchange it just remember to tell the cashier. Brain fog I forgot to tell the cashier. I checked the receipt and it was over $5. I new I had to go back. Money is tight around here since I have to buy all this expensive no name food. I went back, and walked in and instantly saw a manager at the first check stand. Explained what happened, and pointed to the gallon jug still sitting on the front counter. Luckily I got my money back and the popcorn didn’t give me any further problems that I didn’t already have. I went home brewed some weak coffee had a cup and a half, and it seemed to be ok.
I was able to get my kale chips made in my new dehydrator. I boiled my beets, and made the kale chips. I had too many for the dehydrator, so I made the rest in the oven. After they cooled they got chewy. The ones in the dehydrator turned out really good, not to crispy and not too chewy. I think I might try putting the ones from the oven in the dehydrator to see if it will remove the chewy. I also blanched and froze 2 pounds of beet greens, and then canned the 6 pounds beets into 5 quarts of spicy pickled beets. Yum! I have to add that after canning for over 20 years I finally bought a scale. It’s wonderful! I weighed my beets. The recipe called for 4 pounds; since I had 6 pounds I doubled the recipe 1 1/2. It came out perfect! In years past I would guess, and make extra liquid that was a waste or not enough, so I would have to add more after I got my vegetables in. I recommend getting a scale if you are going to do any pickling or jam making.
The Chock Full of Nuts didn't work either. I am now drinking Stash Organic Breakfast Tea Blend. I think its giving me a reaction too so I only drink 1 cup at a time. At least it gives me some pickup for now until I try another coffee.
The Chock Full of Nuts didn't work either. I am now drinking Stash Organic Breakfast Tea Blend. I think its giving me a reaction too so I only drink 1 cup at a time. At least it gives me some pickup for now until I try another coffee.