Finding out you have a food allergy can be devastating.

Finding out you have a food allergy can be devastating. I think my first thought was, "What does that mean?" You ask your doctor and he says just avoid that food. It's just a skin test. They aren't entirely accurate.

I am going to attempt to give you ideas and recipes on how to avoid corn. It can be quite the challenge.

Sorry that my blog is evolving into a little bit of everything in life.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thoughts about colonoscopy

I felt there wasn't enough info out there for our corn allergy folks.  I surfed for what I could find, but there was not enough specific information.  I was nervous for over a week about the procedure, and having to answer all the questions I was going to encounter from the health care professionals. At first I didn't want to deal with researching, but as the date neared I thought I better figure it out.  This  allergy is so frustrating, as I'm sure you already know if your have this corn allergy.  I find myself staying with the items I know I am ok with, because the work to find new safe things is difficult, frustrating, and exhausting.
By the way the doctors and nurses were very interested in my corn allergy.  They were informed before they came into my room, so as they came in several asked if I even ate out.  They were giving sympathy.  They just couldn't imagine.  They asked how did I find out?  Can I even buy anything from the grocery store?  One nurse said she had on going sinus infections.  I don't have sinus infections now that I eliminated corn from my diet, and my seasonal allergies are better.  I explained the bucket full syndrome.  Once you are having a reaction you are more sensitive to all allergens.  I have to say though the anesthesiologist was not friendly.  She declared she wasn't going to read through all the allergens listed on the medical form that contain corn.  To please her I told her I have not had anaphylaxis from corn yet that just Benadryl relieved my symptoms.  She said she had some Benadryl on hand.  I told her the allergy is usually to the preservatives.

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