My Pages

Thursday, January 19, 2012

One Awesome Mop

I am very frugal as most already know. I never wanted to try any of those disposal mops. This O'Cedar mop is the most awesome mop because of the reusable mop pad. I tend to throw it in the wash with my jeans. I don't like the idea of throwing it in with the towels, because I don't want floor dirt on my wash cloths. That might sound weird. You can put whatever cleaner in the reservoir.  I use diluted WhiteHouse apple cidar vinegar.  For years I thought that these kind of mops wouldn't get all the dirt up.  I was wrong.  To test the theory I mopped with my regular mop after using the O'Cedar.  The floor was clean.  Very Awesome!

Butternut Squash Soup

2 small butternut squash peeled, seeded, and chopped3 small apples peeled and chopped

Place in crockpot add 2 cups liquid (chicken broth, or water, and/or Lakewood Organic Apple Juice).  Add sauted sweet onion and garlic.  Cook 8 hours on low.  Puree with hand blender or process in food processor a batch at a time.  Add more apple juice as needed.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Liquid ideas:  I had left over chicken broth from a chicken I had roasted a couple days before. I also freeze vegetable water in ice cube trays, which I could have used for the liquid.  I save a lot of my broths in ice cube trays.  I have a few gallon size bags in my freeze with broth cubes in them.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Plant Stakes

Homemade plant stakes from sour cream containers! I thought of this myself. Not sure how well the permanent marking will hold up. The markings will at least hold up for starting seeds.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog of Bruce Bradley

I found a new blog that I really find amusing!
You must check out the 12 days of Christmas calendar!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wisner Farms

I had a great time today setting up my friends facebook page!  Wisner Farms

Monday, January 9, 2012

Quinoa Flakes

Thought I'd add my quinoa flakes recipe I ate this morning. I use 1 cup water, 1/3 cup quinoa flakes microwave 2 minutes. This morning I added raisins and dried apple while cooking. Then a scant tsp Organic Valley butter, sprinkle of cinnamon, tsp honey. I then stir in a couple ice cubes to cool and thin a little, remove excess ice cubes when its cool. (I dried a couple gallons of red delicious apples in Nov. I keep them in ziploc in the freezer)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cat Toy

Made a cat toy. Ping pong ball crochet with a few leaves of catnip in it. Kitty Mae loves it!


My BFF gave me a seed Sprouter and alfalfa seed!!!! I am so excited! Thanks Lucy! I will post follow ups as the seed grows! YEAH!!!!
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4